最新公告, 活動相關
全知讀者視角:完結紀念特別活動 II+(領取及瑕疵退換須知)
✦.全知讀者視角 전지적 독자 시점
✦.完結紀念特別活動 II+
Dear customer,
Thank you for pre-ordering “Onsite-only Finale Special Autograph Edition”. In order to protect your rights and interests, please read and confirm all the following rules and instructions of onsite pickup and damage replacement for the Autograph Edition.
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【簽名組領取注意事項】Notice for Autograph Edition Onsite Pickup
✦ 本商品僅提供2024漫博會場於深空攤位領取,場領相關資訊請詳閱下方規定。
There’s only one option for the Special Autograph Edition: “2024 Comic Exhibition Onsite Pickup”.
✦ 場領時請攜帶【政府核發且於效期內之身分證件正本】並確認證件號碼與購買時填寫之資料相符,經工作人員核對無誤後,始得領取本商品;若未攜帶可證明身分之證件,或提供之證件與購買時填寫的資料不符,將改以【無簽名展場特裝版】提供現場領取。
Please make sure to bring the “Original Identification card/passport/certificate/document” to the pickup site, staff will verify it before proceed with the pickup procedure. Without the ID certification documents, the customer would get “Onsite-only Finale Special Edition (Not Autographed)” instead.
✦ 有效身分證件正本須為公家機關或認證機構核定發放且有標注證件號碼之有效期限內的證件(例:身分證、健保卡、未過期之駕照、護照、居留證等),過期或私人機構核發之證件無法使用。
The valid ID certification documents should be approved and issued by government agencies with certification numbers, and should be within the validity period. (National ID Card, NHI Card, Driving License, Passport, ARC, etc.) We do not accept expired and/or unofficial documents.
✦ 商品可以請他人代領,但需出示與訂單相符之身分證件正本,不開放以證件影本、拍照或影片進行領取。(特別提醒,身分證件為重要個人資訊,請勿隨意交予他人。)
Onsite pickup proxies are allowed, as long as the identification card/passport/certificate/document they show us is original and matches the certification number on the order. We do not accept copies or photos for that. (Please be cautious about entrusting your ID certification documents to any third party.)
✦ 預購商品為【展場限定完結紀念簽名特裝版】之訂單若未於展覽期間至深空攤位取貨,展後會改以【普通預購特裝版(非簽名版書籍且無場領贈品)】出貨,並在扣除運費後退款差價。
If the orders of “Onsite-only Finale Special Autograph Edition” was not picked-up during the event, we would change them to “ORV Vol.11+12 special edition (Not Autographed)”, and refunded the rest of the price difference after deduct the shipping fee, then ship out the orders.
✦ 請確認您已詳細閱讀場領相關規則,並同意【個人資料提供同意書】。
Please confirm that you have read all the onsite pickup rules, and agree to the [Consent Form for Providing Personal Information] down below.
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【簽名書籍瑕疵退換相關規定】Damage Replacement for Autograph Book
✦ 請於離攤或離場前確認領取商品之書腰標示為 【展場限定完結紀念簽名特裝版】 ,並確認場領贈品是否完整,離攤或離場後恕不補贈(包裝於書盒中的贈品及簽名書籍須有開箱影片才能進行瑕疵更換或補寄,相關規範請參考以下規定)。
The strip of the book box should marked as “Onsite-only Finale Special Autograph Edition”, please check the strip and all the bonus gifts before leaving the booth or the site, we would not re-gift the missing or damaged ones after that. (As for the merchandise and bonus gifts that packed inside the book box, we could only resend and/or replace the missing or damaged ones after examine the unboxing video of the original package. Please follow the instructions below.)
✦ 書籍及書盒內之商(贈)品瑕疵換貨,須請購買人提供全程錄影開箱影片及照片,並以電子郵件寄至客服信箱:service@starwatcher.com.tw。
For book and merchandise(bonus gifts) damage replacement, please email unedited unboxing video and pictures of the damaged goods to us at service@starwatcher.com.tw.
✦ 請特別注意:影片需從特裝版封膜拆封前開始拍攝,並清晰拍攝書腰及書背深空貼紙標示。如未以前開方式提供全程錄影開箱影片及照片,或影片有剪輯、斷續、缺漏、模糊不清等情況,恕不符換貨規定。
NOTICE: The unboxing video should include the entire process, start before opening the shrink-wrap of the book box, and make clear shots of the box strip and the Interstellar sticker on the book spine. If the unboxing video did not meet the requirements above, or the footage was edited, on and off, with missing parts, blurry, etc., then we would not provide replacement.
✦ 經本公司客服人員確認來信所附全程開箱影片及照片,所拍攝商品屬本公司出售且具有瑕疵。本公司客服人員會以電子郵件回覆確認,購買人收到確認信函後,始符換貨規定。
After examine the unboxing video and the picture, confirm that the Autograph Edition was purchased directly from Interstellar Publishing and indeed with damage, we will reply the email with confirmation, then proceed with the replacement.
✦ 如符合瑕疵退換標準,須請購買人於收受本公司確認為瑕疵書籍之電子郵件信函後,十五日內透過中華郵政之「郵局便利2號包(袋)」郵寄寄回瑕疵書籍。如購買人以其他方式寄送,恕不符換貨規定,且所衍生費用由購買人負擔。
Please mail back the damaged book in 15 days after receiving the confirmation email.
✦ 購買人所寄回之換貨商品內容,必須與前述購買人以電子郵件所寄「商品全程錄影開箱影片及照片狀態一致」,如所寄回換貨商品有其他購買人後續使用商品痕跡、筆記、塗鴉、破壞等,恕不符換貨規定,且所衍生費用由購買人負擔。
The damaged book that we received should stay in exactly the same state with the unboxing video and the pictures, otherwise we would not provide replacement.
✦ 郵寄地址:10045臺北市中正區重慶南路一段57號7樓之5。
Mailing address: 7F-5, No. 57, Sec. 1, Chongqing S. Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 100 , Taiwan (R.O.C.)
✦ 應提供標明:商品訂單編號、發票號碼、訂購人姓名、換貨收件人姓名、郵遞區號、地址、收件人電話號碼、運費證明。
Mail Attachment: Order number, receipt number, oderer name, address information, phone number, shipping costs provement.
✦ 瑕疵更換或缺漏補寄之書籍或商(贈)品一律以【中華郵政】寄出,不提供其他寄送方式,還請於填寫寄件資料時特別注意。如因個人原因導致更換或補寄之書籍或商(贈)品遭到退件,其所衍生費用(退件、補寄、整新等等)將由購買人負擔。
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【場領資訊】Onsite Pickup Information
Address: Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition Hall 1, No. 5, Sec. 5, Xinyi Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City
(MRT Taipei 101/World Trade Center Station, Exit 1)
Pickup Period: July 25th (Thu.) to July 29th (Mon.), 2024, from 10:30 to 17:00
✦ 展覽期間,深空出版攤位將於17:00後閉攤補貨,請選擇場領的讀者於17:00前至攤位憑QRCODE取貨。
The booth will be closed at 17:00 to restock for the next day, please come and pick up your order before 17:00.
✦ 展期最後一天深空出版攤位將於16:00結束營業,場領亦將提前至16:00結束。
The booth will be closed earlier at 16:00 in the last day of the Exhibition.
✦ 非公告之場領時間前來領取商品,工作人員有拒絕的權利,請選擇場領的讀者特別注意。
We reserve the right to refuse service to customer who come to the booth outside of the onsite-pickup period.
✦ 預購商品為【展場限定完結紀念簽名特裝版】之訂單若未於展覽期間至深空攤位取貨,展後會改以【普通預購特裝版(非簽名版書籍且無場領贈品)】出貨,並在扣除運費後退款差價。
If the orders of “Onsite-only Finale Special Autograph Edition” was not picked-up during the event, we would change them to “ORV Vol.11+12 special edition (Not Autographed)”, and refunded the rest of the price difference after deduct the shipping fee, then ship out the orders.
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【場領方式】Onsite Pickup Procedure
✦ 若場領人潮眾多,請先找工作人員索取「整理券」,再按整理券上時間至攤位排隊領取商品。
If the pickup line is overcrowded, please take one “Numbered Ticket” from the onsite staff.
✦ 領取商品時,請出示官網訂購信中的「QR code」。
Come to the booth within the time period which marked on the Numbered Ticket, and show us the “QR code” in the pre-order email when it’s your turn to pick up the order.
✦ 場領時請攜帶【政府核發且於效期內之身分證件正本】並確認證件號碼與購買時填寫之資料相符,經工作人員核對無誤後,始得領取本商品;若未攜帶可證明身分之證件,或提供之證件與購買時填寫的資料不符,將改以【無簽名展場特裝版】提供現場領取。
Please make sure to bring the “Original Identification card/passport/certificate/document” to the pickup site, staff will verify it before proceed with the pickup procedure. Without the ID certification documents, the customer would get “Onsite-only Finale Special Edition (Not Autographed)” instead.
✦ 選擇「場領取貨」需自行購票入場。
✦ 「QR code」建議先截圖保存,以免會場網路不穩定。
✦ 領取商品時,請將手機螢幕亮度調至最亮。
✦ 請於離攤前檢查贈品是否完整,離攤後恕不補贈(包裝於書盒中的贈品須有開箱影片才能進行瑕疵更換或補寄,簽名書瑕疵更換請詳閱相關規定)。
Please check your order items and all the bonus gifts before leaving the booth or the site, we would not re-gift the missing or damaged ones after that. (As for the bonus gifts that packed inside the book box, we could only resend and/or replace the missing or damaged ones after examine the unboxing video of the original package. For the Autograph Book damage replacement, please check “Damage Replacement for Autograph Book” section above.)
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【場領注意事項】Notice for Onsite Pickup
✦ 整理券將在活動展期,7月 25 日(四)~7月 29 日(一)上午 10:00 開始於深空出版攤位發放。
The Numbered Ticket will be issue at the booth within the event period from July 25th to July 29th, 2024, and start from 10:00 AM.
✦ 預計發放整理券張數有限,若深空出版評估發放張數超過當日預估人數,將會進行人數控管,暫停發放整理券,並於SNS進行相關公告。
The amount of the Numbered Ticket will be limited. If the amount of the ticket-taker went beyond our estimation, we would suspend the issuing until this situation has been resolved and update the announcements on the SNS.
✦ 請聽從現場工作人員的指示,排隊領取商品。
Please follow the instruction of the onsite staff, and come to pick up the order according to the time period which marked on the Numbered Ticket.
✦ 每人每次限領三筆訂單,如欲領取多筆訂單,請重覆排隊,但須以持有整理券者為優先。
1 person could only pick up 3 orders at most. If you needed to pick up more than 3 orders, please return to the end of the line again.
✦ 領取商品後,請勿於攤位前逗留,以免影響其他讀者。
Please do not stay in front of the booth after the pickup.
✦ 作者簽名均於12集書籍扉頁(瑕疵更換須提供完整開箱錄影,如無開箱影片或影片不完整,恕無法提供更換)。
Author Autograph on the first page of Vol.12. (For damage replacement, please email us the unboxing video of the original package without editing. Otherwise, we would not provide the replacement.)
✦ 請於離攤或離場前檢查商、贈品是否完整,離攤或離場後恕不補贈(包裝於書盒中的贈品須有完整開箱影片才能進行瑕疵更換或補寄)。
Please check your order items and all the bonus gifts before leaving the booth or the site, we would not re-gift the missing or damaged ones after that. (As for the bonus gifts that packed inside the book box, we could only resend and/or replace the missing or damaged ones after examine the unboxing video of the original package.)
✦ 工作人員會依現場實際情況調整相關流程,如有任何問題或不清楚的部分請麻煩向現場工作人員確認。
The staff would adjust the process according to the onsite situation. Please check with the onsite staff If you have any questions.
✦ 本次預購特裝版之硬式書盒,【印刷包裝】或【場領】時可能產生碰撞痕跡,無法保證商品狀態完美無缺。若遇書盒四角或四邊輕微凹折且不影響內裝物品之情況,場領不提供現場更換。如非常在意書盒狀況者,請至書展或實體書店現場選購。
The book box of “ORV Finale series” could get damaged during the packing, shipment and/or onsite pickup process. If the damage doesn’t extend to the contents, then we would not provide replacement, reshipping or onsite-replacing. Therefore, if the condition of the book box is crucial to you, you could choose to purchase them at Comic Exhibition and/or other physical bookstores.
✦ 書籍及商(贈)品瑕疵換貨, 影片需從特裝版封膜拆封前開始拍攝,並清晰拍攝書腰及書背深空貼紙標示。如未以前開方式提供全程錄影開箱影片及照片,或影片有剪輯、斷續、缺漏、模糊不清等情況,恕不符換貨規定 。
For book and merchandise(bonus gifts) damage replacement, the unboxing video should include the entire process, start before opening the shrink-wrap of the book box, and make clear shots of the box strip and the Interstellar sticker on the book spine. Please email the unboxing video and the picture of the damage good to us at service@starwatcher.com.tw. If the unboxing video did not meet the requirements above, or the footage was edited, on and off, with missing parts, blurry, etc., then we would not provide replacement.
✦ 預購商品為【展場限定完結紀念簽名特裝版】之訂單若未於展覽期間於深空攤位取貨,展後會改以【普通預購特裝版】出貨(非簽名版書籍且無場領贈品),並在扣除運費後退款差價。
If the orders of “Onsite-only Finale Special Autograph Edition” was not picked-up during the event, we would change them to “ORV Vol.11+12 special edition (Not Autographed)”, and refunded the rest of the price difference after deduct the shipping fee, then ship out the orders.
For more information related to the pre-order of ORV Autograph Edition, please check the following link or Interstellar Publishing official website.
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