一筆訂單限購兩套商品,不可合併其他書籍寄出,如欲購買多套請分開結帳。 Every order is limited to purchase 2 sets of Novel and/or Comic Special Edition at maximum, and it could not be shipped with other books in one same package. If you would like to purchase more than that, please split your orders.
海外讀者若需購買多套(8套以上),請麻煩來信客服信箱【[email protected]】。 ※訂單須以「8套」為單位進行購買(EX:8套、16套……)。 For oversea readers, if you need to purchase more than 8 sets, please email us at [email protected]. ※The quantity of product in one order should be add by "8 sets". (8 sets, 16 sets, etc.) 공동 구매를 원하는 사람에게: 최소 구매량는 총 8세트입니다. 8세트 구매를 원하실 경우 [email protected] 문의 부탁드립니다. ※공동 구매는 8의 배수로 주문해야 합니다. (예: 8세트, 16세트……)
✦ 完成付款後,才算預購成功。未完成付款,三日後系統將自動取消您的訂單。 Please make the payment immediately after placing an order, thus the purchase order shall become effective; if the payment term was exceeded, the order would be canceled automatically.
✦ 本次預購特裝版之外包裝盒,【印刷包裝】、【寄送】或【場領】時可能產生碰撞痕跡,無法保證商品狀態完美無缺。若遇書盒四角或四邊輕微凹折且不影響內裝物品之情況,將不提供換貨或補寄,選擇場領亦不提供現場更換。如非常在意外包裝盒狀況者,請至書展或實體書店現場選購。 The outer box of "Vol.1 Novel Special Edition" & "Vol.1+2 Comic Special Edition" could get slightly bumped during the packing, shipment and/or onsite pickup process. If the bumped part was at corners and/or sides of the book box, and it doesn't extend to the contents, then we would not provide replacement, reshipping or onsite-replacing. Therefore, if the condition of the outer box is crucial to you, you could choose to purchase both special editions at Comic Exhibition and/or other physical bookstores.
✦ 本次預購特別開放「2024漫畫博覽會場領取貨」。 There is a "2024 Comic Exhibition Onsite Pickup" option for "Vol.1 Novel Special Edition" & "Vol.1+2 Comic Special Edition" pre-order.
✦ 出貨時間:上市日前後一週,如有特殊情況延誤,將會另行告知。 There will be further update if the shipment was delayed by any unusual circumstance after a week from the publication date.
✦ 選擇【超商取貨】之訂單,請務必提供完整取件人姓名,姓名不完整或使用暱稱可能造成您無法取貨。
凡於「深空出版」官網同時預購《某個繼母的童話01小說豪華特裝版》&《某個繼母的童話01+02漫畫豪華特裝版》,即可額外獲得【精美透卡組乙份】! Pre-order "The Fantasie of a Stepmother Vol.1 Novel Special Edition" and "The Fantasie of a Stepmother Vol.1+2 Comic Special Edition" together on the official website of Interstellar Publishing, and get 2 bonus Transparent Cards!
✦ 單筆訂單贈送乙份。 ✦ 1 order would get 2 Transparent Cards.
凡於「深空出版」官網預購《某個繼母的童話01小說豪華特裝版》或《某個繼母的童話01+02漫畫豪華特裝版》,且領取方式選擇「2024漫博攤位場領」者,可額外獲得【壓克力晶鑽小星星一份】,及【精美霧P紙袋一份】。 Pre-order "The Fantasie of a Stepmother Vol.1 Novel Special Edition" or "The Fantasie of a Stepmother Vol.1+2 Comic Special Edition" on the official website of Interstellar Publishing, then choose "2024 Comic Exhibition Onsite Pickup", and get 1 bonus Acrylic Star, along with a special-designed paper bag.
2024漫畫博覽會「深空出版」展覽攤位 2024 Comic Exhibition "Interstellar Publishing" Booth
臺北世貿一館:臺北市信義區信義路五段5號(捷運台北世貿/101站1號出口) Address: Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition Hall 1, No. 5, Sec. 5, Xinyi Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City (MRT Taipei 101/World Trade Center Station, Exit 1)
場領時間:2024/7/25(四)~2024/7/29(一)10:30~17:00 Pickup Period: July 25th (Thu.) to July 29th (Mon.), 2024, from 10:30 to 17:00
✦ 展覽期間,深空出版攤位將於17:00後閉攤補貨,請選擇場領的讀者於17:00前至攤位憑QRCODE取貨。 ✦ 展期最後一天深空出版攤位將於16:00結束營業,場領亦將提前至16:00結束。 ✦ 非公告之場領時間前來領取商品,工作人員有拒絕的權利,請選擇場領的讀者特別注意。 ✦ The booth will be closed at 17:00 to restock for the next day, please come and pickup your order before 17:00. ✦ The booth will be closed earlier at 16:00 in the last day of the Festival. ✦ We reserve the right to refuse service to customer who come to the booth outside of the onsite-pickup period.
✦ 若場領人潮眾多,請先找工作人員索取「整理券」,再按整理券上時間前來攤位排隊領取商品。 Take one "Numbered Ticket" at the "Numbered Ticket Taking Station" alongside the booth.
✦ 領取商品時,請出示官網訂購信中的「QR code」。 Come to the booth within the time period which marked on the Numbered Ticket, and show us the "QR code" in the pre-order email when it’s your turn to pick up the goods.
✦ 選擇「場領取貨」需自行購票入場。 ✦ 「QR code」建議先截圖保存,以免會場網路不穩定。 ✦ 領取商品時,請將手機螢幕亮度調至最亮。 ✦ 請於離攤前檢查贈品是否完整,離攤後恕不補贈(包裝於書盒中的贈品須有開箱影片才能進行瑕疵更換或補寄)。